Hi Fellow Busy Entrepreneur,

You're in the right place if marketing feels like a foreign language and you couldn't care less about the difference between marketing, branding, and sales. I get it. It's easy to get lost in the chaos in a world full of hype.

I've seen it all and know the struggle. Most of you are tossing metaphorical spaghetti at the wall, hoping it magically sticks. Spoiler alert: it usually doesn't, and even when it does, it sticks to all the wrong folks. You end up sounding like a used car salesman on a bullhorn. (Now there is a visual 😉 

And, oh, let's not forget about those who jump on the Chat GPT bandwagon without a clue. Suddenly, you're speaking in AI tongues. Have you ever noticed how eerily similar that stuff sounds? Yeah, I've spotted those patterns too.

Or maybe you're playing copycat, doing whatever LinkedIn recommends, and mimicking the herd. Result? Your audience hits snooze, the algorithm isn't impressed, and your content gets a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" reputation.

So, here's the lowdown: Most companies out there, with their kick-butt products, services, passion, and causes, end up sounding like just another humdrum option. It's the 'meh' of marketing. But fear not because I've got a solution that's so simple, it's practically criminal.

Done For You
Quick Turn Around




Is it for You?

You want to consistently post quality content that converts but don’t know where to start?

You’re constantly settling for less than what you, your team and your brand deserve

You have big dreams but lack of time, expertise and being super busy stands in your way of making them come true?

You need a solid strategy, a marketer who cares, shares your vision and wants to grow together. So you can reach your goals

You know you’re here for the right reasons - meaning not cutting corners, expecting magical results from bare minimum input or effort. You get that solid marketing takes a bit of time, you respect that I know what I'm talking about and will lead the way and you resonate with my mission.

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The reason

Why work with me?

Magical Marketing Transformations

Imagine turning your – sorry to say- dry, technical stories into emotional, humorous social media content that stops people in their tracks. I can make that happen.

Save Precious Time

I get it; you’re busy. I have streamlined the process so you don’t have to agonize over marketing strategies. Focus on what you do best!

Results-Oriented Approach

I’m not about fluffy words. I’m about tangible results. Convert casual readers into devoted supporters, fans, and lifelong customers.

Unlock Your Growth Potential

I’m here to help you soar. Your success is my success, and I’ll work tirelessly to make it happen

Some of my Achievements I am so Proud of

12 years

I am a Marketer & Copywriter with 12 years of experience.

16+ countries

Entrepreneurs from 16+ countries attended my courses and masterclasses

1 Award Winning Book

In 2018 I wrote a book and won an award for it. Something I'm very proud of...but will never do again 😉

7 years

For the last 7 years I have consulted and taught entrepreneurs to help them get the most out of their marketing efforts

Rachel Pedersen

I was lucky enough to intern for the 'Queen of Social Media' Rachel Pedersen. I have learned so much from her and will always listen to her marketing advice. (And so should you if you want amazing, honest, social media growth.


More than 367+ people became happier and more confident by completing my courses and classes


My Services

Email Marketing Power

The power of email can change the trajectory of your business. Let me explain... Email marketing is the backbone of any successful digital marketing strategy. It's a direct line of communication to your audience- your tribe. Each email has the potential to inspire action, catalyze change and crucially...drive revenue. Now imagine if every email you send had that sort of impact! This isn't wishful thinking—it's achievable.

Boost Your LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn is a gold mine for entrepreneurs, but only if you've got the right tools in your kit. Here are the 5 important ones: 1. Post Consistently: Consistency brings familiarity and trust. 2. Engage, Don't Just Broadcast: It's social media, not a monologue. 3. Use Visuals: An image is worth a thousand likes (see what I did there?) 4. Leverage Groups: Find your tribe. Network, learn, grow. 5. Be Authentic: Because nothing beats genuine connections. Remember, LinkedIn marketing isn't tough, it's just different. Ready to up your LinkedIn game?

Business Growth on Pinterest

Pinterest can be a treasure trove for business growth, but watch out for these common pitfalls that can sabotage your success: 1. Ignoring SEO: Pinterest is a search engine. Ignore SEO at your peril! 2. Posting Irrelevant Content: Stay relevant to your niche and audience. Don't pin just for the sake of pinning. 3. Neglecting the Visuals: Quality images get repins. Period. 4. Underestimating Descriptions: Use this space wisely. Keywords, CTAs, be purposeful. 5. Inconsistent Pinning: Pin regularly, but not in a burst. Consistency is key. Remember, Pinterest is about more than just pretty images. It's about connecting those images to your audience in a meaningful way. Let me help you achieve Pinterest Success


Loads of Happy Clients

Words from my Clients

“Georgianne is just a magical person who is there for you when you need her expertise most. She helped me so much with my business. Georgianne made sure the transformation went smoothly and helped during each stage. There are no words that could express my gratitude.”

Viola B.

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A Platform That Is NOT a Thieve of Time or Joy

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